APC: Mock Interviews and Presentation Skills
business environment requires companies and individuals to stand out from
their competitors. Good and
effective communication is an essential component that needs to be used to
get messages across that help existing and potential customers to decide
where to place their business.
has been recognised by the RICS and the ability of prospective Members to
communicate effectively is incorporated in the current APC requirements as
Competence A074. Sadly, many
candidates have fallen at the last hurdle of their APC by failing to
demonstrate that they can ‘express themselves clearly in a verbal
presentation and interview’.
Candidates must deploy effective presentation and interview technique. It
is important that candidates are familiar with the assessment process that
they face, and apply themselves appropriately. This includes consideration
of how scenario style questions will be handled in addition to the more
technical questions.
At the interview, as well as possessing a
strong knowledge in their subject areas, candidates must
demonstrate a good understanding of professional ethics.
They must be familiar with the contents of the RICS Code of
Conduct, and must be able to respond to questions on a range
of issues for which answers will not be found in the Code.
Wilkinson MA MPhil. FRICS (Haydock)
Principal Lecturer in Building Surveying at Sheffield Hallam
to joining Sheffield Hallam University, Sara worked in
London for Watts and Partners where she provided
professional Building Surveying services. She lectures on
the topic of contaminated land at Hallam and has delivered
CPD regionally for sometime.
has been a chairperson for the Building Surveying APC for
several years.
She is also a member of the RICS Energy Efficiency
Faulkner FRICS (Durham County Cricket Club)
Director of JFPC Ltd, Director of Pentland Ltd
is a consultant with his own practice as well as being a
Director of Pentalnd Ltd and the RICS Regional Training
Advisor for the North West. John is an excellent
speaker and is very familiar with the APC interview format
because he sits in as an observer on a regular basis.
Ron is a Director of The Property Professional’s
Consultancy and has been in training and development
for 15 years and has written and delivered numerous courses
in presentation skills for both seminars and in-house
seminar is suitable for candidates in all APC routes, provides
practise and confidence for the RICS interview (as well as an
illustration for each candidate of the issues that could arise
on the day).
seminar will offer information and practical advice concerning
the following:
Allow candidates to undertake
a five minute presentation to Ron or Austen within a
small group: video recordings will be available for
further reflection. This is however optional and some
delegates may just wish to observe other delegates
Provide examples of interview questions
in relation to delegates’ critical analysis, and the
chance to formulate answers.
Give feedback to each candidate on
their performance and issues requiring attention, and
conclude with overall comments.
The number of delegates making
presentations will be limited in order for all delegates to
receive the due level of individual support.
AFTERNOON SESSIONS - 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 3 February 2004 - WAKEFIELD
Wednesday, 4 February 2004 - HAYDOCK
Wednesday, 11 February 2004 - CHESTER